“Simplicity is the most difficult thing to achieve.” 

Alex Katz

I have exactly zero idea if Alex Katz knows anything about early-stage investing.   But his sentiment should resonate within the startup ecosystem., “Simplicity is the most difficult thing to achieve.”.   Simplicity is hard and it’s hard to describe, but I know it when I see it. Your customers and investors do too.

Founders, you need to obsess about simplicity.  Your customers need to feel it in your product, website, marketing, messaging, value prop and pitch decks.   They need to feel it in every aspect of your business.   I spend a lot of time with founders who can’t seem to understand this, and it shows.   Maybe this helps 1%?

Four more quotes hit home and my breakdown:

  • “I like to reduce things down to their essential elements.”  Stripping away the unnecessary can be challenging.  Remove elements that don’t contribute to your core value proposition.  Simplicity often involves making trade-offs between features and ease of use.
  • “I like to make paintings that are unpretentious and direct.”  Simplifying the complexity of your solution and the underlying systems and processes is hard.  Articulate your message using absolutely no jargon or big words.
  • “I’m attracted to the power of the image.”  Use a simple powerful image that conveys your core value proposition.  First impressions set the tone.
  • “I like making something beautiful out of simple things.”  Customers buy and investors invest in simple beautiful design.  A simple, beautiful design can be a significant competitive advantage.


IF Alex was an early stage investor, I think he would suggest you consider the following:

  • User Experience (UX): Ensure your product or service is intuitive and easy to use.   A complex user interface can deter customers.
  • Focus on Core Features: Prioritize the most essential features and avoid feature bloat.
  • Iterative Design: Continuously refine and improve your product based on user feedback.  If you know me, you know I am 100% about iterative processes.   Done is better than perfect.
  • Messaging Consistency: Ensure your messaging is consistent across all channels, from your website, social and your marketing materials.

CONFIRMED:   Google’s Gemini agrees, “There is no information suggesting that Alex Katz has any involvement in early-stage investing.”


Wait, who is this guy?  Alex Katz (1927b) is an American painter known for his large-scale paintings that feature bold simplicity and heightened colors. His work is often associated with Pop Art, though Katz’s style is unique and distinct.

Katz is recognized for his distinctive style, characterized by flat colors, simplified forms, and a focus on capturing the essence of his subjects. His paintings often feature close-up portraits of individuals, as well as landscapes and cityscapes. Katz’s work is celebrated for its elegance, simplicity, and timeless appeal.

Katz’s work has been exhibited extensively worldwide, and his paintings are held in numerous public and private collections.  In short, he’s a big deal.



Check it out:

More AK quotes for you to ponder:

  • “My paintings are, in fact, realistic, but I want nothing to do with realism.”
  • “I like to give the viewer a sense that they can walk into the painting.”
  • “My work is more about perception than representation.”
  • “If you can make a beautiful painting with a beautiful surface, it’s seductive.”
  • “I’m not interested in narrative, I’m interested in presence.”
  • “I’m trying to get as close to the edge as possible without falling off.”
  • “Painting is about seeing and conveying a sense of the world.”
  • “I want to give the viewer a heightened sense of reality.”
  • “I’m interested in capturing the essence of a person or a place.”
  • “I’m interested in the tension between the image and the surface.”
  • “I’m trying to make the paint come alive on the canvas.”
  • “I’m not interested in making a statement, I’m interested in making a painting.”
  • “I’m not interested in creating a world, I’m interested in capturing a moment.”
  • “I want my paintings to have a sense of timelessness.”
  • “I’m always searching for a balance between abstraction and representation.”