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I’ve been working on being a better thinker and writer. I spend a lot of time in my head, brainstorming ways companies can grow faster, innovate processes, or just entertain myself with random ideas. Sometimes I’ll put these thoughts down in a PowerPoint and other times I’ll ambush a friend who’s an expert in the…
An actual photo of me overthinking a terrible investment. “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” Winston Churchill 30 years of scars and ∞ WTFs. We all screw up; I just do it more often, and I wear those scars like medals. Take DealBench, for example. I snagged it out…
“Simplicity is the most difficult thing to achieve.” Alex Katz I have exactly zero idea if Alex Katz knows anything about early-stage investing. But his sentiment should resonate within the startup ecosystem., “Simplicity is the most difficult thing to achieve.”. Simplicity is hard and it’s hard to describe, but I know it when I…
While searching for the art for a post about female founders I stumbled into a treasure trove. Of course, my first image search was Helen Frankenthaler because, of course, Helen Frankenthaler. While I love her paintings, none of the images evoked the message I was attempting to convey. Then I googled, female pop artists: Mind…
“If it weren’t for customers and employees, I would love my job.” Okay, I said it but I never really believed it. I set out to write a thought piece on all the people that revolved through the Atlas doors in Houston, Chicago, Kansas City and Calgary. The only deep thought I could really come…